Thursday, March 27, 2008


I have been teaching a few of my students about multiple meanings lately. You know, like the word "bank". It could be a place you go to withdraw (or deposit, but mostly withdraw) money. An airplane could bank to the left or right while flying. I have sat on the bank of a river and admired God's handiwork.

Multiple Meanings.

Cheating. I wrote that for the title and realized that it is another one of those words. It could be a horrific ordeal in a marriage. One of my students was caught "helping" another student otherwise known as cheating. But I realize that I have kind of been cheating with this blog thing. I have been pasting emails and other people's interesting quizlike gizmos on to my blog in an effort to keep the blog rolling along without actually having to write anything.

Why would I do this?? you might ask. I find that I am a person that likes instant gratification. Unlike some, I need a pretty quick response to something to keep me going. When I first set out to blog, I got feedback.

I was amazed. Completely. But elated.

Then I went to view some blogs and I ran across a very sweet one. This gal has been blogging for many months, I think even a year, and she has 0 comments on most of her entries. I was amazed that someone would continually blog about her life, and no one was really out there listening (reading) about it. But I was. And I didn't always comment.

Well, after about 2 weeks, I started getting 0 comments on my blog. And with no feedback, I decided to call it quits on the writing part. I still have gone to the blogs I love to read and check out the latest happenings everyday. I read in one of them that "blogging is like talking to old friends over the back fence". How true.

I am going to recommit to blogging for awhile. I checked my counter and it is actually going up. I'm not sure if this is from others checking out my blog, or from myself checking out how many people are checking out my blog.

Could you do me a favor? If you read this, comment. It would give me great inspiration to know that someone out there is actually reading this. I'm not a big journal kind of gal, and writing is my least favorite subject to teach, but I am now committed. Even if it is just Cheryl!

P.S. My menu will be up and running again on Saturday. Tonight I made a frittata with left over ham, zucchini and scallions topped with mozzerella cheese. Roasted asparagus was our side dish! Delish!

1 comment:

Robin said...

I don't worry about comments, but instead look at my number of subscribers in Bloglines. I'm stoked when the number goes up and sad when it goes down. I read a number of blogs - yours included, but often don't have time to comment or don't have anything profound to say.

Blogging is good for me. It's an outlet.