Friday, February 22, 2008

Who Wins?

Yesterday, my daughter, Kalie, called from her new home in Virginia. She told me that she had had the craziest day. I told her that my day seemed crazy as well. I asked her to share with me what had happened during her day, and then I would tell her about mine.

She began with the usual work was hectic, I handled a million different tasks (she works at the Double Tree Hotel), a loud, obnoxious woman made a scene in the lobby, and a friend of hers proposed to her over the phone from Italy. I said, "Wow! What did you say?" Of course she gave him all the reasons why it would never work out (hello, he lives in Italy) and if he was serious to ask again in 5 years. I mentioned that "in person" would be nice as well. She then asked me about my day.

I began with the usual work was hectic, I handled maybe a hundred different tasks (I'm a teacher!), one of my students had a temper tantrum in the classroom, and while at Target with Austin (her 7 month old brother) he threw up all over the floor, stopped breathing and had to be rushed by ambulance to the hospital. He's fine now. He stopped breathing for only about 10 seconds, but he turned very white and it was very, very scary.

She said, "Ok, Mom, you win."

As I listened to my girl share about her day at work, the many tasks she accomplished, and how a boy thought highly enough about her to propose, I thought, "You're right. I win!"


Marybeth Whalen said...

Cayce! Thank you for your sweet comment! Welcome to the world of blogging!! Glad you are here!

And sorry for being partially responsible for your blogging habit. Apologize on my behalf to your hubby and kids as well. It is quite addicting as you can see from my blogroll!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Cayce, I'm honored to be on your blogroll! Thank you! I'm excited to meet a new blogger. I'll be checking back in. What a horrible moment you endured with your baby. Do you know why he had this episode?

Sheila said...

Cayce, welcome to the blog world, it is such a great way to communicate and make new friends. I see you teach, I work for an elementary school, office (bookkeeper) nice to meet new bloggers...