Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What Have You Learned?

Over at Lysa Terkeurst's blog, Holly is filling in this week while Lysa and her family are at church camp. She posted today about a few things she has learned. The list was VERY GOOD! Two of them especially made me stop and ponder.

I decided I wanted to chronicle some of my list, then post back to her comment section.

I've learned that it is easier to tell the truth.
I've learned that patience goes a long way with a one year old.
I've learned that it's cheaper, easier, and healthier to cook a meal than order out.
I've learned that if you sow a smile, it does come back.
I've learned that God does supply all my needs according to His riches.
I've learned that I can count on God no matter what.
I've learned that time spent with your children is a huge investment.

What have you learned?

1 comment:

Holly said...

Loved your list! Thanks for sharing. Also love your pic on your blog - beautiful!