Monday, May 19, 2008

Kalie's Coming Home - Maybe Austin will crawl

After spending 5 months in Virginia, Kalie has decided to come home. We had such fun in Virginia spoiling her.:) No wonder she misses home. What I'm most excited about is the ability to watch her love all over Austin. Maybe he'll start crawling and walking with her around. Did I mention he's just slowly starting to army crawl and generally uses rolling to get around. And he'll be 10 months old next week.

Today, I took him to the doctors for a second opinion. I decided my opinion, being the first, wasn't enough to keep him healthy. I began giving him Albuterol a couple of days ago for his chest cough, which the doctor applauded. He then added to the medicinal arsenal with every body's favorite - Amoxocillin. The beloved curer of all childhood problems. At least in my family - 18 years ago. I remember it fondly.

Anyway, while we were in the waiting room, there was another little boy, Matthew, who was 3 days older than Austin. He went zooming around the room crawling, and he also grabbed at furniture to stand up with. His 4 year old brother was prompting him the whole way.

That's when the epiphany hit.

My hypothesis is this: If a child has an older sibling, they will crawl, walk, run faster than a child who does not. I bet if I looked up studies, I would find this to be true. My own experience shows that Kalie (firstborn)walked at 10 1/2 months. Ashley (21 months behind) walked at 8 months. No doubt trying to keep up with her sister.

I'm praying that Austin crawls soon and walking is too far behind.

I'm really not sure if this is true. What has been your experience??

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